My Hip Event, MM/DD/YY
Nothing as good as tasting whisky directly from the Barrel.

Get your wine & whisky tasted & rated by the top beverages professionals, Bartenders, Wine enthusiasts, whisky aficionadas & premium customers.
Submit your Entry for the Award Category

Best Wine Packaging Awards Nov.2022
Bartender Whisky Choice Awards Dec. 2022
Wine & Food Pairing Awards Oct.2022
Best Premium Whisky Launch Awards Dec.2022
Best Retail Store Display Awards August 2022

Past & Upcoming Events
Wine Awards 2017
3 Wineries had submitted their wine for the category to award in best 3 White wine packaging, best Red wine food pairing, Best wine to gift on occasion judged by the consumers.

Best Pomegranate Indian Wine Category Award will be held in October 2021 in Mumbai. Submission will be closed by 31st March 2021

Best Wine Store Display award 2016 given to Chincholi Wine at Malad West to display wines at prominent places separately with all the finest collection of wines
Submit Entry for Awards Today
Absolut Vodka won the category to mix with
121 ingredients to reveal the best cocktail options suited every Indian Palette.

Cherish your taste buds with the finest handcrafted organic wine and delicious foods.
Enjoy the evening with wine enthusiasts, discover the wine making, varieties, grapes, region to be more familiar in the world of wine.
Create a brand equity by making your wine & whisky memorable and recognizable with an outstanding awards for the superior quality, packaging & designs. let the people appreciate your efforts in making your brand outstanding across the Globe.
Join the mission

“Soma vine village is just a fantastic place to spend your weekend surrounded by scenery and sahayadri range and river ”
— Nisha Arora

"Cabernet Sauvignon is a classic match for red meat. A full-bodied Red Blend is a great choice too here"
— Rajeev Kumar-Delhi

Level -3 Qualifications from WSET London in Wines made passsionte to explore and learn more about wine & other limited edition liquor brands all over the world
Certification in Brand Management from University of London" makes me to craft brand prmotons strategy and dive deeper to bring you better content & expertise
Manoj Srivastava-India Ops"